KalPurush Blogger Template

KalPurush Blogger Template is another technical support and translated  for other Bangladeshi and bengali indian users. This is suitable for technology blog sites. KalPurush​ Full Responsive Design Bangla Blogging  If you continue with Blogspot on a tech blog, KalPurush​ will be perfect for your creat a blog.

 This is fully translated into the designed for all Bangladeshi and indian bengali users. If you want to run a Bangla blog can on your blog Testing, check out our recently released DREAMLINE responsive premium new blogger themes. 99% of Bangla tech blogs,.

KALPURUSH is the best bangla magazine blogger template of all time. All the features are interesting. Using blogger Themes, KalPurush​ can give your blog a nice look. It has been developed especially for blogging including blogspots.

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KalPurush Blogger Template

Please read:-Free version here.All widget are worked. Optimizes js file. 

KalPurush-Responsive Bangla Blogger Template

Best seo friendly blogspot theme

we have used the chosen post zone for free blog. You can create 3 locations climbing to the top of the FEATURED post. Another great feature of this model is the tabbed widget. As widgets with tables you can use 3 widgets. Basically: We have also used Menus' menu in this , a widget of the most popular posts, posting tags and recent comments.

 At the top we used the latest ticker post, search bar and social icon widget. The latest and custom widgets are also included in this. your blog will be perfect for bangla technique.

Selected posts 

At the top of the FEATURED label we used the POST chosen with a specific label. You can create 3 popup posts or hot posts as selected posts. This widget works with a specific tag. If you enter an example of the label name: After "Featured", the last 3 posts of a specific displayed tag appear in this selected TAGPOST. 

KalPurush Featured Post Widget

This idea is interesting in every Bengal technology blog. Each can attract visitors by using the widget placed . Therefore, we use the exposed posts widget with a special block in this model. Hope these features can improve your blog visitors.

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KalPurush - professional blogger templates

Responsive Design

Kalpurush Design is a responsible model. Kalpurus are also referring topic, which indicates what your website looks like on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop devices. This is compatible with all devices. Responsible and most important topics of mobile  are the most important in search results. 

So use a Responsive blogger templates on your blog. A mobile friendly.plays an important role. Because the maximum number of visitors is from mobile phones. That's why making your blog mobile friendly is very important. Google also loves a friendly blog for handsets.

search enginr optimized

When designing focus on optimizing search engines. For the search engine, the Bangla theme is optimized for SEO results up to 100%. This will be our standard, all of our models are a search engine for better performance in search engines. After all, the theme of bloger is optimized to work great and has helped you rank the best in search engines for your blog websites.

This is Great Features:-

Fully Responsive Design (Check)
SEO Optimized (Check)
Easy Admin Panel
Animated Layouts
Unlimited Colors
Ads Ready
Social Icons
Tab Widgets
Breaking News Ticker
Featured Posts Widget
Featured Video Widget
Recent Posts Widget
Custom Stats Widget
Subscribe box
Related Posts
Social Share Buttons
Author Bio Box (Auto from Google+ profile)
Google and Facebook Comment
Search Box
Custom 404 Error page

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